Elvis: his name still evokes immediate adoration from people all over the world. HEARTBREAK HOTEL takes a closer look at the musical icon whose impact shaped the history of rock and roll as well as popular culture following Elvis from his early days to his rise to become “The King of Rock and Roll.” Heartbreak Hotel features over 40 Elvis hits and iconic songs including, “That’s All Right,” “All Shook Up,” “Heartbreak Hotel,” “Burning Love,” “Good Rockin’ Tonight,” “Hound Dog,” “Love Me Tender,” “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Jail- house Rock,” “Are You Lonesome,” and “Blue Suede Shoes.”
Book By:
Sean Cercone and David Abbinanti
Based on a concept by Floyd Mutrux
Musical Arrangements and Orchestrations by David Abbinanti
Produced by special arrangement with Authentic Brands Group
Featured interviews
Joe Caskey
Matthew Schatz
Spencer Chase
Michel Vasquez