Dark & Stormy Productions seeks to enrich the community by providing artistically excellent, relevant, and thought-provoking professional productions that engage and inspire both the audience…
The Williamston Theatre began as the Williamston Theatre Project in the spring of 2004 when four Michigan-based theatre professionals, actor John Lepard, director Tony Caselli, arts…
Conceived while students at The University of Iowa in 1997 by Michael Patrick Thornton and William Nedved, the idea for The Gift was to grow and nurture an ensemble and lay roots in an…
One of the nation's most acclaimed children's theaters, First Stage touches hearts, engages minds, and transforms lives by creating extraordinary theater experiences for young people and…
Imagine your toes in the sand, a fantastic bottle of wine nearby, a gourmet meal in hand and first-class entertainment before you… all while basking in a perfect Lake Tahoe sunset with your…
Now one of the most dynamic and respected touring companies in the country, Montana Repertory Theatre was established as a professional touring company in 1967, providing professional theatre…
The Hope Summer Repertory Theatre produces plays and educational programs of the highest professional standards that address the needs of, and enhance the quality of life for, Hope College…
Goodman Theatre, Chicago’s oldest and largest not-for-profit theater, has won international renown for the quality of productions, the depth and diversity of artistic leadership, and the…